
Mini Camera  

Published by Saman jayaweera, 01 Jun 21:26 pm Rathmalana ,Colombo
Mini Camera  
Mini Camera  
Mini Camera  
Mini Camera  
Rs. 5,000

👉16GB: 4 Days 32GB :7- 8 Days 64GB :15-16 Days. (When the memory card is full, the camera will automatically delete the oldest video, enabling intelligent loop recording.
🚌Provide the following information to order. 🚌 👉Cash on Delivery 👉Name, 👉Address, 👉Nearest City, 👉 District
👉Send phone number 02
👉 For other information ask +94764384852 via whatsapp message or inbox message.
👉👉Any items you order will be delivered to you in 04 days.👍👍
🙏Thank you🙏


076438XXXX Click to show phone number
  • Cameras & Camcorders
  • Condition: new
  • Camera Item Type: digital camera
  • Brand: Other brand
  • For sale
  • Rathmalana ,Colombo
  • For sale by Saman jayaweera
  • 076438XXXX Click to show phone number
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